Tuesday, September 24, 2013

vocabulary #6

vocabulary #6 1.Obsequious: showing servile compliance, obedience 2.Beatitude: exalted happiness 3.bete noire: disliked person or thing 4.bode: give a hint to what’s to come 5.dank: moist, humid, damp 6.ecumenical: universal, general 7.fervid: enthusiastic, burning in spirit 8.fetid: bad odor 9.gargantuan: gigantic 10.heyday: stage or period of high spirits 11.incubus: nightmare 12.infrastructure: framework of a system 13.inveigle: manipulate 14.kudos: honor, props 15.lagniappe: bonus, tip 16.prolix: long, wordy or unnecessary 17.protégé: protection, under patronage 18.prototype: model used to illustrate 19.sycophant: self-seeking flatterer 20.tautology: saying something twice in a different way 21.truckle: to submit tamely 22.accolade: award, honor w/ laudatory notice 23.acerbity: astringency in taste, bitter 24.attrition: reduction in numbers, size or strength 25.bromide: flat dull remark 26.chauvinist: aggressively or blindly patriot 27.chronic: constant, habitual 28.expound: to explain or interpret in detail 29.factionalism: practice of faction (group within a larger group. 30.immaculate: pure, free from spot 31.imprecation: malediction, curse 32.ineluctable: incapable of being ignored or avoided 33.mercurial: changeable 34. palliate: to alleviate 35.protocol: official procedure or system of rules 36.resplendent: shining, gleaming 37.stigmatize: to brand a stigma upon someone/something 38.sub rosa: done in secret 39.vainglory: excessive pride in own achievements 40.vestige: surviving evidence of something no longer existing 41.volition: exercising/choosing one’s will.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Open source learning


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Beowulf essay!

       "A voice of one calling in the wilderness, Prepare the way for the lord, make straight path for him." Mathew 3:3. In the novel Beowulf, Beowulf is a hero like that of Jesus Christ because he risks his very life, to see that his people are safe and happy.

     It’s ironic that Beowulf would risk his life for the safety of his people like Jesus Christ had done for his people. Beowulf had given his life to the people and died protecting them from danger, so that they would live freely. When the people looked upon Beowulf’s great courage and heroism had given the people hope that they have been blessed.

     Everyone knows Beowulf like they know as the hero. Not once did these two men show their fear in their fates. Beowulf faced a dragon in battle he was the king of the people that he promised to protect. He was like a king that rised up on the peoples lives. "All my enemies will be ashamed and dismayed they will turn back in sudden disgrace." Psalm 6:10. In addition, when the army of people that were suppose to help him leave and the village made them feel ashamed about things. Beowulf just wanted to see happiness for everyone. Beowulf was the glory of the people.

  As a result Beowulf is just like a god to open the eyes of the people and save their souls.

vocabulary #4

1.Accolade: award, honor, laudatory notice
2.Acerbity: sourness, with roughness or astringency of taste
3.Attrition: a reduction or decrease in numbers, size or strength
4.Bromide: flat, dull remark
5.Chauvinist: person aggressively and blindly patriotic
6.Chronic: constant, habitual
7.Expound: state in detail, explain, and interpret 
8.Factionalism: practice of a faction (group, clique within larger group)
9.Immaculate: free from spot, pure, perfect
10.Imprecation: curse, malediction
11.Ineluctable: incapable of being escaped, ignored or avoided
12.Mercurial: changeable
13.Palliate: to relieve, alleviate  
14.Protocol: regulations and customs pertaining to diplomatic formality, etiquette
15.Resplendent: shining, gleaming
16.Stigmatize: to set a mark of disgrace, brand, and stigma upon something/someone
17.sub rosa: confidentially, secretly, and privately
18.Vainglory: vain, excessive pride over one’s achievements
19.Vestige: surviving evidence or remainder that is no longer present
20.Volition: exercise of willing, choosing, resolving, etc.

Friday, September 6, 2013


I  picked "The Father" because I though it would be interesting. I love my dad and he is my hero. I thought this novel/play would describe qualities of a father and maybe would have the same opinion. But who knows in till I read it. I thought if I think my dad is important then maybe I can relate to this story. so this title spoke out to me because I have such and important and big relationship with my dad and that is why I picked this novel.