Tuesday, September 24, 2013

vocabulary #6

vocabulary #6 1.Obsequious: showing servile compliance, obedience 2.Beatitude: exalted happiness 3.bete noire: disliked person or thing 4.bode: give a hint to what’s to come 5.dank: moist, humid, damp 6.ecumenical: universal, general 7.fervid: enthusiastic, burning in spirit 8.fetid: bad odor 9.gargantuan: gigantic 10.heyday: stage or period of high spirits 11.incubus: nightmare 12.infrastructure: framework of a system 13.inveigle: manipulate 14.kudos: honor, props 15.lagniappe: bonus, tip 16.prolix: long, wordy or unnecessary 17.protégé: protection, under patronage 18.prototype: model used to illustrate 19.sycophant: self-seeking flatterer 20.tautology: saying something twice in a different way 21.truckle: to submit tamely 22.accolade: award, honor w/ laudatory notice 23.acerbity: astringency in taste, bitter 24.attrition: reduction in numbers, size or strength 25.bromide: flat dull remark 26.chauvinist: aggressively or blindly patriot 27.chronic: constant, habitual 28.expound: to explain or interpret in detail 29.factionalism: practice of faction (group within a larger group. 30.immaculate: pure, free from spot 31.imprecation: malediction, curse 32.ineluctable: incapable of being ignored or avoided 33.mercurial: changeable 34. palliate: to alleviate 35.protocol: official procedure or system of rules 36.resplendent: shining, gleaming 37.stigmatize: to brand a stigma upon someone/something 38.sub rosa: done in secret 39.vainglory: excessive pride in own achievements 40.vestige: surviving evidence of something no longer existing 41.volition: exercising/choosing one’s will.

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