Tuesday, October 15, 2013

vocab #2

1. accoutrements: personal clothing, accessories 2. apogee: the highest or most distant point, climax 3. apropos: fitting, at the right time 4. bicker: to engage in a querulous argument 5. coalesce: to grow together or into one body 6. contretemps: inopportune occurrence, embarrassing moment 7. convolution: coiled condition, twist 8. cull: to choose, select, pick 9. disparate: distinct in kind, essentially different 10. dogmatic: pertaining to, inflexible 11. licentious: libertine, unrestrained 12. mete: to distribute, apportion 13. noxious: harmful to physical/well being 14. polemic: a controversial argument, as one against some opinion 15. populous: heavily populated 16. probity: honesty, uprightness 17. repartee: quick witty reply 18. supervene: implied event or action, to take place as something additional 19. truncate: to shorten, cut short 20. unimpeachable: impeccable, impossible to discredit, entirely trustworthy

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